The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28 11月28日,这两支乐队将携手在谢菲尔德剧场举办一场演唱会。
They cannot join forces to vote her out of office 他们不能联合起来通过投票表决让她下台。
President Bush says the United States and Europe must join forces to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. 布什总统说,美国和欧盟必须联合起来,阻止伊朗发展核武器。
In B2B projects, different business partners join forces to improve their competitiveness by using technology more effectively. 在B2B项目中,不同的业务伙伴通过更有效地使用技术联合它们的力量以提高自身的竞争力。
Let us join forces to protect it. 让我们携起手来加以保护。
Let us all join forces to promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism as a key element in our efforts to build a better world and a life of dignity for all. 让我们大家协力促进语言多样性和多种语言的使用,在我们为所有人建设更美好世界和有尊严生活的努力中,这一点至关重要。
This is a great time to "join forces" with others on common goals& projects. 这时适合和别人合作,共同参与项目,完成目标。
And we all continue to join forces to honor and support our remarkable military families. 我们所有人将继续联合起来,爱戴并支持我们非同凡响的军人家属。
On this World Teachers Day, we join forces to thank teachers and to call for more, better trained and supported teachers. 值此世界教师日,我们向教师表示感谢,并携手呼吁培养更多、更加训练有素和得到更好支持的教师队伍。
Urmson didn't rule out that Google might join forces with another automaker. 厄姆森并没有排除谷歌联合其他汽车生产商的可能性。
Alternatively, China life could join forces with another insurer seeking to pick up parts of AIG. 或者,中国人寿还可能和另一家寻求收购美国国际集团部分业务的保险公司合作。
So, although you may start with a very small survival group ( eg: just your family) it is important to join forces with those you encounter on your trek to your remote areas. 因此,尽管你组织了一个小型的生存小组(比如你的家人),在你前往偏远地区时遇上了人们,加入他们壮大力量,这是很重要的。
Then we headed north to join forces with the Fourth Front Army. 然后我们向北走,去和第四方面军会师。
And we must join forces to make it a worldwide reality in the coming years. 我们必须联合起来,使其在未来几年成为世界的现实。
All the organizations concerned with these areas of health must join forces. 关注这些卫生领域的所有组织必须同心协力。
When a loser join forces with a coward, what can they accomplish? 一个失败的人跟一个失意的人凑在一起,能干什么?
Once we join forces you will be informed of the actions we are directing, and made aware of exactly what is to happen. 一旦你们加入了我们,在我们的指导下,你就会邃晓指导将要发生的事变了。
Their only chance to save the world is to join forces with the USSR who have also launched such an illegal satellite. 解救世界的他们的唯一的机会将和也已经发射如此的一座违法的人造宇宙站的苏联参加军队。
In order to make a difference, we must all join forces and act. 为作出改变,我们大家必须联合力量,采取行动。
We must pay attention to researching how to mobilize each side enthusiasm to join forces of bridging digital divide. 如何充分调动各方面的积极性,形成消除数字鸿沟的合力,是当前值得我们重视和研究的问题。
"Hackathons" hosted by the Bank allowed technologists and disaster experts to join forces to develop applications in response to disasters in Haiti and Pakistan. 世界银行主办的专家活动(waterhackathons)为技术人员和灾害领域专家协力开发应用程序以应对海地和巴基斯坦震灾提供了平台。
If you can't defeat your opponents, join forces with them. The Chinese team needs to beat their powerful counterpart to win the cup. 如果你不能打败你的对手,就和他们联合。中国队需要打败强有力的对手,才能获得冠军。
Only when they join forces can they protect their national and common interests. 它们只有联合起来,才能保护各自及共同的利益。
If we join forces, we'll both be better off. 如果我们携手合作,两家的日子都会比较好过。
They refused to join forces with the antis. 他们拒绝与反对派合作。
Dances from Japan, Australia and the US decided to join forces in a dance exchange. 邀集了日本、澳洲和美国的舞蹈家进行跨界的舞蹈交流。
Our current goal is to join forces so that Russia and the EU can build a common future as partners and allies. 我们当前的目标是通力合作,使俄罗斯和欧盟作为合作伙伴和盟友,创造出共同的未来。
We must join forces in our scientific research. 我们必须在科研工作中联合行动。
That is what we will do now, as we join forces with Senator Obama and his campaign. 这就是我们现在要做的事,我们要与奥巴马参议员的竞选团队会师!
We must join forces in our struggle against aggression. 我们必须在反侵略斗争中联合起来。